Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Love Your Breasts, Inc. (LYBI)
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Love Your Breasts, Inc is an organization dedicated to educating and heighten awareness of breast cancer and other cancers in our communities with emphasis on minorities. To provide basic health information, overall wellness tips and support services through monthly cancer support groups, Look Good Feel Better programs, monthly newsletters and Facebook health tips Monday-Friday.

Incidence of breast cancer and warning signs

The incidence of breast cancer is as follows:
  • Caucasian women 1 in 8
  • African American 1 in 11
  • Hispanic/Latino/Asian women 1 in 20

    For minorities the incidence is less yet the mortality rate is higher. The bad news is that mortality rates for black women are 30% higher than for white women with breast cancer. Hispanics and Latino women have the lowest five year survival rate. This is related to lack of knowledge, fear and culture. Certain cultures dictate not to touch yourself. Therefore, these women remain shrouded in silence. By the time diagnosed these women are in the advanced late stage of the disease which has now involved vital organs. Experts say additional reasons for the mortality rate disparity is related to a decrease or lack of access to early detection and high quality care.

    Breast Cancer Warning Signs:
    1. A lump in the breast, thickening or hard knot
    2. Unusual increase in size of one breast
    3. Change in the shape of the breast
    4. Puckering of the skin of the breast
    5. A new dimpling of the nipple
    6. Unusual swelling of upper arm
    7. Change in the skin of the nipple (looking like the skin of an orange) itchy, scaly rash of the nipple
    8. Enlargement of the lymph nodes in the axilla (underarm) or lymph node above or below the collar bone
    9. Any unusual discharge from the nipple
    10. New pain that does not go away and is concentrated in one area of the breast
    Breast Cancer Risk Factors:
    1. Risk increases with age
    2. Personal family history
    3. Having a first degree relative (mother, sister or daughter with breast cancer)
    4. Having had breast cancer before
    5. Having a breast biopsy which detected abnormal cells (atypical hyperplasia)
    6. Never had a child
    7. First child after age 30
    8. Began menstruation at age 12 or earlier
    9. Having discharge from the nipple and you are not pregnant or breast feeding
    10. Genetic gene BRCA1 or BRCA2. Only 10% of all breast cancers attribute to inherited genetic mutation.
    11. 40% or more overweight (excess weight in the abdomen)
    12. Too much dietary fat consumption
    13. Large quantity of alcohol consumption
    All women should have yearly physical exams, clinical breast exams by their health care provider, pelvic exam, pap smear and rectal exam.

    Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death after lung cancer. More than 180,000 women and 1,400 men in the United States will develop the disease this year. Early detection is extremely important in saving lives. 70-75% of women with no risk factors develop breast cancer. Therefore, every woman is at risk.

    Patrons enjoy themselves at the April 2004 Fundraiser, Dinner and Dance.

    Maintain Good Breast Health Care:

  • BSE every month- begin at age 18
  • Yearly clinical breast exam (CBE). Begin at age 18 (minimum every 3 years to age 30); then yearly is a must.
  • Baseline mammogram for all women. Begin at age 40 unless otherwise determined by your doctor. May begin earlier due to family history.
  • Age 40- mammogram yearly

    Have your CBE done prior to your mammogram. If any lumps are felt at this time, it can then be evaluated during the mammograms. Do not apply deodorants, powders, perfumes, etc. prior to your mammogram because you want a clear picture. Ensure your facility is FDA certified. If no one calls you or mail your results be your own advocate and follow up. Do not assume no news is good news.

  • BronxMedia.com Love Your Breasts, Inc. (LYBI)
    P.O. Box 660644
    Bronx, New York 10466
    Phone: (718) 231-5746
    Fax: (718) 405-1707
    Email: contactus@lybi.org
    We're here for you, call us Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm
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